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Search Engine Optimisation

Poor SEO will cost your business as you lose sales to competitors who rank higher in search results.

HomeSearch Engine Optimisation

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Keeping your SEO a step ahead

Great search engine optimisation (SEO) isn’t based on guesswork, it’s based on detailed knowledge, research and data to drive your website listing to the top of search engine results pages, and traffic to your site.

Poor visibility and lacklustre traffic costs your business money as you lose sales to competitors who rank higher in search results, and command more authority online in your digital marketplace.

Our search engine optimisation services will maximise your rankings and traffic

Advocate’s wealth of SEO knowledge underpins our innovative thinking, creativity and delivery in achieving results for you. Every SEO strategy and its delivery is tailored to your market vertical, objectives and investment level.

Advocate’s approach

We will work with you to cover all aspects of your SEO, from identifying goals and shaping a tailored strategy to implementing campaigns to hit those milestones.

All our work will focus on sharpening:

  • Your best technical presence
  • Your best content
  • Your best user experience
  • Your best mobile-first solution

But at Advocate there’s no one size fits all approach. Each client’s challenges will be different, but our years of experience means we can tackle those confidently and creatively using best practice techniques – regularly reporting back in detail to show the success and progress we’re making on your growth.

So whether you’re looking to undertake an initial technical SEO audit, dominate local search, capitalise on voice search or mobile SEO, improve your conversions through CRO or all of the above, we can help. Get in contact today to find out more about all our search engine optimisation services.




From audits to analytics we deep dive into your business.



Everything we do starts with strategy and your goals



Creative, content and planning drives our unified marketing solutions.

Deliver & Optimise Marketing


From search to social, our experts implement & optimise campaigns to drive growth.


Our in-house search engine optimisation capabilities include:

Search engines increasingly favour websites that adopt best-in-class practices and comply with guidelines. It’s their equivalent of awarding you a gold star for effort. Given this, it is essential for businesses to perform a technical SEO audit on their website (regularly).

Technical SEO refers to website and server fixes to help search engine spiders crawl your website more effectively. It provides a deep dive into your website’s technical profile while identifying opportunities for improvement. It also checks if your website complies with search engine guidelines, avoiding potential penalties given out by search engines to websites violating these guidelines.

As search engines are getting more and more sophisticated, their algorithms are constantly changing and becoming more complex. Keeping your website SEO optimised will help its performance and keep you ahead of your competitors.

Our methodology

Our technical SEO methodology thoroughly analyses and tests websites to ensure compliance with advanced, SEO best-practices. Whether it’s a new site we’re building for you, or dealing with your pre-existing one, we’ll ensure it fits the technical requirements for the search engines we’re targeting.

Our technical SEO audits check your website for potential issues related to crawlability, page speed, images, accessibility, and coding:

• Crawl analysis
• Page load performance
• Duplicate content
• Image optimization
• Internal link structure
• Indexation
• Site architecture
• Accessibility
• Redirects
• XML sitemap
• Analytics

And while there’s no such thing as a perfect website, there are technical issues that could be affecting your online performance. We not only highlight any factors affecting your rank, but we also bring any link profile issues to your attention that could prevent your online growth, before recommending the right course of action.

We believe it is vital to audit SEO before embarking on the development of a brand’s digital marketing strategy – why? So we can ensure your website is SEO friendly and ranks well in the SERPs. By doing so, you will have the best chance of online success.

Different websites will have different needs, which is why we can develop and execute an SEO strategy that works for your company. From improving your backlink profile through blogger outreach and PR to resolving on-page issues, such as a lack of meta descriptions and poor website navigation, we can ensure you make the necessary changes to improve your website’s rank and visibility in the SERPs.

Other related technical expertise

Website migration
The migration process can be complicated and if done wrong can damage your site’s performance, causing your site to lose valuable traffic to your website. A proper migration is vital to retain your search engine rankings and keep your SEO performance. Our team have successfully migrated numerous websites, and by using Advocate you can be assured that we will:

• Deliver a flawless redirect migration plan
• Retain and improve your search engine visibility
• Increase your domain authority
• Increase user engagement with your website
• Ensure visitors experience secure browsing (HTTPS).

Site architecture
A well-designed site architecture will strongly contribute to search engines easily and authoritatively indexing and ranking your website. It will also enable your visitors and returning customers to find things quickly and easily on your website.

Our team can help you to audit your existing site architecture and map out a more effective one if deemed necessary. Amongst other things we can make sure that users and search engines experience a consistent navigation format and make fewer clicks to find the content they need.

Contact our team of experts today to find out more about our SEO audits.

In a world where everyone has gone digital and moved their business online, how do you get noticed?

Advocate looks to build your website’s authority and search engine rankings by managing search engine optimisation (SEO) campaigns designed to develop your online profile.

We specialise in developing successful strategies, even in the most competitive industries, that not only raise your profile, but increase website visitor numbers, your click-through rates and upsurge your visitor to customer conversions.

Research – the foundation of every SEO campaign

For all of our managed SEO campaigns we will:

• Identify and align your goals with business objectives
• Conduct keyword strategy and competitor analysis
• Complete a technical audit of your website

Then we:

• Develop a bespoke SEO strategy
• Optimise content
• Build high-quality links

Customers find your website, not the competition

Potential customers will very likely turn to their favourite search engine to find your product or service. So we start by comprehensively profiling how they do that. We can accurately and in detail determine the ‘who’ and the ‘how’ people search for your offer, and then through our well-executed, managed SEO campaign process make sure their next search returns your business, not your competitors.

Transparency in process

Optimising a website for search engines takes time.

We believe in being accountable to our customers throughout the search engine optimisation process. Each month you’ll see the work completed on your campaign, the increase in rankings achieved, and the traffic figures to your website. We can deep dive your stats for modelling purposes and drive further efficiencies, as well use the data to inform fresh campaign ideas.

Competition in today’s digital landscape is fiercer than ever before. Find out how Advocate can grow your online presence through managed SEO and super charge your brand growth. Contact us today.

Hyperlinks (commonly shortened to links) are used to navigate on the internet. They are also a key navigation tool for search engines to help them identify the pages they need to crawl and index for search engine ranking purposes.

Link building is a detailed process of acquiring links (often called backlinks or inbound links) from other websites to direct traffic to your own website. It’s vital to your search engine optimisation (SEO) as it’s a critical ranking factor used by Google’s algorithm, Panda.

These inbound links are essentially considered a vote of confidence from one website to another, giving search engines an indication that the content of that page is authoritative and of value for users.

Search engines look at the number of links directing to a page from external sources, taking the reputation of the external sources into consideration. The higher the quality of the external source, the better your site will rank – they key goal that any SEO strategy is primarily looking to deliver.

Link building is the hardest of all SEO techniques

At Advocate we categorise our strategies based on their potential impact on each client’s backlink profile and search visibility. We then design and implement a strategy for you based upon tactical feasibility and a highest return on investment approach.

We continually refine and fine-tune our link building approach to ensure strict compliance with Google’s policies and protocols. Not all link building activity is equal and some specialists look to adopt more questionable practices to fuel a client’s rise through the rankings, casually overlooking the future and likely fall out from their choices.

Not at Advocate. We’re 100% White Hat. You will not be unpicking any shady link building practice by choosing us to deliver your link building activity, and they’ll be no Google penalty waiting in the wings for you.

Our methodology

Research, auditing & analysis
At Advocate we thoroughly research your industry, keywords, and competitors. We will always review your current link profile to be aware of your existing issues. Then we’ll get to work in compiling a considered strategy that can successfully improve your backlink profile.

We believe a content marketing campaign is the beating heart of a great link building strategy.

Our writing team are skilled at creating engaging, authoritative content designed to gain trust and drive organic referrals. Our outreach team will look to build relationships with influential journalists, bloggers, and editors to gain authority and placement for the content we create for you.

We’re dedicated to delivering long-term, sustainable results in all that we do which is why we will analyse every link building campaign through detailed reporting, offering you full transparency on our approach and results.

Contact us today to find out more about how our link building expertise can drive explosive SEO growth for your brand.

Outreach or blogger outreach is recognised as one of the most important aspects – when it’s paired with great content – to help you reach the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). And can really encourage people to start looking at, considering and talking about your brand.

Here at Advocate our team have taken the time to build rapport with a sizeable and varied collection of webmasters, editors and journalists to provide brands with opportunities to gain exposure for written, creative and video content.

How outreach can grow your business

Our outreach services offer opportunities to introduce your brand to new and different audiences, and at the same time create connections that will but improve your domain authority in Google – improving your visibility online.

It is our belief that you should earn links naturally, rather than paying for them. Our blogger outreach agency approach only supplies services that offer link diversity, branded anchor text and natural variations. We believe in avoiding exact match anchor text to manipulate SERPs.

Content types
Different brands have different needs, which is why we routinely create a variety of different types of content to meet the individual outreach needs of each of our clients and their customers.

Article outreach
We can write articles for you specifically designed to drive natural referrals to your website when partnered with our outreach services. These content pieces are  promoted to a curated and tailored list of known and trusted influencers who are most likely to share and support your content.

Infographic seeding
A picture paints a thousand words which is what makes infographics so shareable online. A well designed infographic that simplifies and summarises more complex ideas or information has real power to inform, instruct and drive a call to action. We can design infographics for you that are perfect for social sharing and attracting links from blogs, websites and social media pages which will drive your visibility online.

We are proud to provide exceptional influencer-led outreach services as a part of our SEO and content marketing services. Contact us today to find out more.

Well-designed SEO content directly contributes to your website’s ranking and visibility on search engine results pages, or SERPs for short.

Google is currently using more than 200 ranking signals in their algorithm to determine their SERPs. Currently, content is one of Google’s top 3 ranking factors, and they have signalled that content in 2020 is all about prioritising your website users by creating value-rich content. This is in addition to appraising your keyword strategy and site structure.

How does your current content stack up against these markers?

At Advocate we create quality content for people, not robots.

We can revitalise your website with SEO-friendly content, designed to be helpful and interesting to your audiences. Our expert writers understand how to write tailored content that engages target audiences across different forms and formats in order to best present your brands messaging.

We run detailed audits of your competitors and deep dive your industry to create innovative content ideas, deploying the latest industry practices to keep your brand ahead of the pack.

Areas of expertise

Advocate services include:

• In-depth content audits
• Content creation, design and publication
• Multi-channel content promotion
• Results driven digital PR
• Social seeding
• Keyword optimised copywriting

At Advocate we know the right formula for creating and delivering high-value, SEO-led content that converts. Contact us today to find out more about how we can enhance the value of your content and grow your brand.

Just like your business, your website should be ever evolving to keep ahead of your competitors, and best respond to customer and marketplace needs. In doing this websites can undergo changes that result in needing to migrate to a new site, and so you’ll undertake a SEO website migration.

A search engine optimisation (SEO) site migration is an essential partner to a website migration because it looks at how the changes you make to your website will impact search engine visibility during the website migration process. It should ensure you don’t encounter serious problems with your search traffic during a domain change or any other major adjustments you make to your site. It can also present an opportunity to improve your site’s optimisation.

You only get one shot at delivering SEO website migration – if you don’t do it correctly you can’t retrospectively fix it.

Our SEO site migration process

We will be looking to safeguard your SEO and where possible looking to improve it in the course of your website migration. Steps in our process include:

Domain transfer
If a domain transfer is necessary, we can deploy our tried, tested, and trusted methodology to complete this for you.

Structural changes
Website migrations are the perfect opportunity to do an SEO audit and deep dive your current site structure to see how well it’s optimised for the web. When assessing this structure, we’ll consider elements like the relationship between your pages and redirect mapping.

URL restructuring
A key aspect of website migration as often when major changes are made your universal resource locators (URLs) need to be restructured. Redirecting is key to making sure that search engines and users don’t encounter un-reachable pages or irrelevant content. We always provide a redirect mapping document.

Content changes
Often a content audit is also worthwhile at this time. Advocate can assess your existing content and work with you to decide which content should be kept, updated, or retired in the next iteration of your website. We will look to safeguard content that’s proved valuable to your audience or that ranks well for users’ search queries and our auditing process will highlight these for you.

We will regularly report back to you throughout our processes on how migration work is going and the active status of your SEO.

Site migration checklist
Once migration work has been completed, we audit our work. We check all aspects of your site against our comprehensive site migration checklist. This list will include rank monitoring, technical and content audit, redirect file, Google Analytics audit, off-site asset audit and sitemap management.

To find out more, contact the Advocate team today.

No matter where your business is geographically based, it needs to be found online.

Sounds obvious doesn’t it, but you’d be surprised at the number of businesses that overlook the power of aligning to their local market as part of their SEO activity and efforts to drive the online visibility of their brand.

Why your business needs local SEO

A substantial number of potential customers reference their local area as part of the search terms they use when looking for a service or product online.

Not taking the time to tag your business as a local, potential product and/or solutions provider will cost you revenue. If your business isn’t found in those local searches, you are likely to lose sales to a competitor. Whether you have a better product or service often becomes irrelevant if your local customers haven’t found you online but found your competition instead.

Advocate’s focus

We deploy specialised local SEO tools and techniques to get your website featured in more search results, and improve your ranking in those results. We will review and optimise your local search profile to build greater local awareness of your brand and grow your local customer base.

Powering your local SEO

Our local SEO campaigns are expertly delivered by our talented team who will bring you the results you want. Our services include:

Google My Business
Local SEO is about expanding your reach to local customers, and thanks to fantastic free tools such as Google My Business, you can make your campaign effective and provide more accurate results for potential customers. With Google My Business, you will be able to manage your presence throughout all of Google’s local features, such as Google Maps, by showcasing your location, opening times, and reviews.

Local website optimisation
Like any other SEO campaign we will audit your site first. We’ll analyse all your web pages and highlight any issues that could harm your local SEO efforts. A common issue often found in this process is websites using outdated SEO methods which are now blacklisted. Without an audit we’re none the wiser and much of your new local SEO campaign efforts could be wasted.

Local Citations
Building local citations is essential to growing your site’s authority in local marketplaces. Listing in reputable directories pays dividends as search engines Google et al have greater trust that your business is based where you are saying it is having crawled the web and found multiple directory listings for you.

Local Digital PR
A great local SEO campaign cannot be without local digital PR. Our team are experts at creating these for you in partnership with considered digital publishers that have the authority, target audience readership, and are trusted in your local marketplaces.

Local Link Building
We will deliver local link building for your business that will intelligently compliment all the other component parts of our local SEO campaign efforts.

Let Advocate show you how our Local SEO services can supercharge your business growth locally. Contact us today to find out more.

Adding an international strand to your SEO strategy is vital for any business expanding overseas. It also benefits any business already experiencing significant inbound traffic from foreign countries.

Advocate can create multilingual SEO campaigns for businesses across all sectors looking to gain top organic ranking positions in international marketplaces.

Experts in multilingual SEO

With the help of our talented multilingual SEO experts, you can become visible in search engines across the world, and be assured of maintaining the quality and relevance of your content in these target markets.

International SEO is a more complex than local SEO. Our skilled team can ensure the search engines can both crawl and understand your website so that you can maximise your website visibility on search engines in destinations across the globe.

Our team of specialists understand the tools and techniques needed to take your brand international. From online PR and social media to link building and content marketing strategies, we can create and execute a plan to improve your organic ranking across all the international markets that matter to you.

Our methodology

Research and benchmarking
Every decision we make in an international SEO strategy is backed by research. We look at all aspects of a site through the lens of a foreign market’s language, culture, customs, competition, time zone, and currency amongst others on our comprehensive marketplace checklist.

SEO Auditing
We undertake a search engine compatibility audit (SECA) to identify the short, medium, and long-term actions we need to deploy to create a natural rank in a country’s search engine results pages. This flags any technical issues that we will need to address ahead of go live.

Our goal is to make international SEO invisible to users. They will simply receive relevant content in their language within their region, that’s on brand and replicates positioning, messaging and calls to action.

Everything we do is designed to be measured and doing it in other markets around the world doesn’t change Advocate’s philosophy on measuring campaign performance and results, and reporting that back to you.

Advocate specialise in developing successful SEO strategies, even in the most competitive industries and territories around the world. Your brand doesn’t have to stay at home. International SEO can boost your brand on a global scale.

Contact us today to find out more.

Has your site fallen in its search engine rankings?
Have you noticed a dip in visitor numbers coming to your website?

Perhaps your site’s been affected by a recent Google update, received Google’s Notice of Detected Unnatural Links, or you’re still recovering from Google Panda. There’s no denying that dealing with a Google penalty can have a marked impact on your website that will require dedicated work to ensure recovery.

A Google updates re-cap

Over the past few years, Google has been updating their algorithm (known as the Google Panda update) to detect low quality content. Constantly updating their algorithm is done to clean up search result pages and reward website owners who have quality content with higher organic search positions, than website owners who don’t.

To date there have been 25 iterations of Panda that have been rolled out, each could have affected your website’s performance.

Our manual link penalty recovery process can help get you back on track

Our in-house experts follow a tried and tested approach when it comes to Google penalty recovery that includes:

Data Intelligence Gathering

GWT, Open Site Explorer, Majestic SEO, Ahref’s, Bing Webmaster tools.

Link Data Analysis

Domain Type, Placement Type, Page Rank, DA, PA, Anchor Text, IP Address, TLD Type

Link Removal

Outreach to the websites and asking them to remove their links.

Disavow File

Compile link data from the links/domains that need to be disavowed.


Document the whole process and describe to Google what’s been done.

Post Penalty Strategy

Re-build your backlink profile with high quality links and improve your search visibility.

To find out more, contact us today.

Our reputation management service is designed to deliver a great first impression in search engine results pages (SERPs), so vital in today’s business world. At the same time we can improve your search engine visibility, helping to build your brand and grow your business.

Digital reputation specialists

Advocate’s services in this area are designed to make you stand out for all the right reasons. We use a variety of strategies and tactics to reduce the visibility of negative content in the SERPs. So when people search for you they’ll discover only positive content about your business offer.

This is becoming more and more important as customers increasingly research companies looking for signs of trustworthiness, integrity and reliability.

So how does it work?

At Advocate we believe the best way to outrank bad press is with great content. Our team will create informative, engaging and authoritative content and use our placement expertise to strengthen your reputation in the search engines via way of social media, blogger outreach, link building, digital advertising and public relations.

Content promotion

Our approach is two-fold. We carefully evaluate your existing content that will rank in the SERPs the fastest and remain top of search results for longer. We place our fresh content in places to get it talked about, so there’s growing promotion and authority in the content that we’ve created for you.

In doing this we move the negative content down the SERPs to page two, three or beyond where a high percentage of search engine users simply don’t visit. With our help, a potential customer is much more likely to find a positive review of you and what you do, than a negative one, encouraging traffic to your website with a view to boosting your visitor to customer conversions. We may even be able to remove it from the internet altogether.

Monitoring service
We can also regularly monitor your online reputation for you. From poor forum complaints to bad reviews, to negative press and unflattering social media comments, we can quickly identify any changes to your reputation and offer a strategy to counter issues as and when they arise.

You might be looking to answer specific questions about how your reputation is performing online. Advocate can create custom reports based on key metrics. This data can then help you identify significant changes or challenges to your brand reputation and give you valuable insight to inform your brand strategy going forward.

Contact us today to find out more.

Client feedback

Don't just take our word for it!


With Fetch, we've saved hours and cut costs, enhancing our social media presence with personalised, engaging content.

Louise Harris - Head of Social & Content


Fetch revolutionised our social media strategy, boosting engagement with high-quality content, allowing us to focus on growth.

Adrian Land - CEO

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Brands we work with include

From Tech to Automotive, whatever sector you operate in, the team at Advocate can help.

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