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Paid Media

Our paid campaigns are designed to deliver maximum exposure and engagement with a brand’s target audience.

HomePaid Media

Engaging a Google ads agency and paid media specialist is crucial in today’s ever changing and increasing competitive landscape.

Paid media is important for driving awareness, acquisition, and retention and should be a key component of every brands marketing strategy.

In its simplest form, paid media is an ad placement, paid for by advertisers. These ad placements can be bought across a variety of channels and platforms and are grouped as traditional media (TV, radio, outdoor billboards), and digital media like Google’s search network, Facebook and more.

Our passionate and highly experienced Google ads agency team have a breadth of expertise in data-driven campaign planning across all paid-media channels, and everything we do around paid media starts with a conversation around performance.

All our paid media campaigns are tailored to address the specific challenges within each client brief.

We don’t use off the shelf, Google ads agency cookie cutter solutions – which means our paid campaigns will provide maximum exposure and engagement with your brand’s target audience – driving up your results – aka, sales and ensuring an excellent return on investment.

Whether we are using Paid Search across Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising, Paid Social (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest), Paid Video (YouTube, other publishers) or Display (Google Display Network, direct buys), our tried and tested approach to implementing, managing and optimising paid media campaigns ensures our clients’ media budgets work harder and smarter.

Contact us today to find out how Advocate’s Google ads agency can generate maximum paid media returns for your brand.



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From search to social, our experts implement & optimise campaigns to drive growth.


Our in-house paid media capabilities include:

Google Ads is the advertising service offered by Google which invites companies or individuals to pay for premium ad space at the top of Google’s search results.

Payment for this service operates under a pay-per-click (PPC) policy, where you pay every time a user clicks on your ad. PPC is a great way to gain a lot of traffic to your website as over 80% of all searching traffic goes through Google. This makes Google Ads a prioritised spend for many digital advertising budgets.

The Google ads agency team at Advocate create bespoke campaigns for clients by using a variety of best-practice creative and technical approaches and specialise in developing successful strategies, even in the most competitive industries. Constantly on the lookout for new findings and opportunities to increase your Ads performance our focus is always, and in all ways, squarely on getting you the best ROI.

Our Google ads agency process

Every successful Google Ads campaign will go through the same process, and this process starts with extensive research into your business, industry, competition and demographic. We ask you what you are looking to achieve, including business objectives and return on investment goals. Only then do we get to work building a PPC campaign strategy for you knowing it is optimised for your success.

Google ads agency methodology

Our approach to managing campaigns consists of four main areas:

Strategy & Experimentation
Dependent on client goals, strategies range from the highest share of voice, top-position keywords, to implementing the right bid strategy. At this stage we ensure that what we build for you is optimised for your success.

Build & Implementation
We ensure every campaign has a consistent naming convention for reporting and tracking, and our intensive keyword research ensures we select the most relevant and best keywords for your campaign. To ensure the most click-throughs, we create ad copy for both your ad on Google and for your landing pages, and Ad extensions also allow you to stand out amongst your competitors.

Analysis & Optimisation
Using a combination of tools including Google Ads and Google Analytics, we analyse key metrics using segmented data (for e.g. audience, device, time of day) that align with client goals. We delve deep into all account performance aspects including, campaigns, ad groups, keywords, ad copy and quality score to ensure we optimise for budget, bids and conversions.

Monitoring & Reporting
Every month we provide Google Ads performance reports to clients. This includes top-level results, month-on-month/year-on-year comparisons, competition, insights, recommendations, and more.

Let our team of experts do the heavy lifting when it comes to managing your paid search presence and improving your ROI. Contact our leading Google ads agency today to learn more.

Google is not the only search engine in town. Diversifying your advertising spend across different search platforms can return more traffic and be a better return on your overall investment.

Although Google is the leader among search engines, Bing has enough market share of search traffic to warrant interest and investment in its advertising platform, Microsoft Advertising. Microsoft’s equivalent offer to Google Ads can be a great extension to any pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.

Why your paid media should include Microsoft Ads

If your business benefits from PPC advertising, not incorporating Bing into your efforts could be a mistake. It is likely you are stretching digital ad spend into territory many of your competitors won’t be in. This can give more value to your investment and means the cost of attracting a customer or the cost per acquisition (CPA) is likely lower running Bing PPC campaigns.


Our approach to managing campaigns on Microsoft Ads isn’t wholly different to the approach taken by our Google ads agency. We continue to focus on:

• Strategy & Experimentation
• Keywords & Ad Writing
• Analysis & Optimisation
• Monitoring & Reporting

Seeing the difference, always tailoring the approach

Running a PPC campaign via Microsoft Advertising on Bing isn’t a carbon copy of what can be expected doing the same via Google Ads. Here at Advocate we don’t just copy and paste campaigns across search ad platforms.

Bing has a different audience with different behaviours, and their users may respond better to different campaign tactics than those on Google. We consider Bing its own entity and analyse its unique data for optimisation decisions.

Similarly to campaigns running via Google Ads, we then make recommendations on how we can improve a Microsoft Ads campaign to meet and exceed key performance indicators. At Advocate we always focus on campaign performance whichever platform we’re looking at for you. Contact the team today to find out more.

This is an umbrella term used to describe paid advertising online outside the remit of Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising platforms.

Websites offer space on their pages known as inventory to display adverts, and receive payment from ad servers in exchange. Advertisers bid on these inventory slots to display their adverts and build a portfolio of places where it will be seen online – just like any other advertising campaign.

Online display advertising offers broad opportunity for placed content. Space can be brought to life in many ways beyond a static banner ad. But just like any other ad campaign success rests on creativity, messaging, positioning, and the ability for your advertising to turn heads and resonate with audiences in your marketplace.

Why your business needs to advertise online

One of the primary reasons is that it gives you the ability to micro target audiences that are not matched elsewhere. Your advert can be displayed on any number of over 2 million websites and audiences for your adverts can be found by a myriad of specific criteria that dive much deeper than much of the other profiling criteria found in alternative media.

This gives a much more prescriptive approach to where your advert can be seen, who gets to see it and when – a great way to avoid having to have an always present ad schedule for x number of hours, days or weeks.

Other display advertising services the team can provide include:

  • E-Commerce product feeds – link your product feed into search results and Google will list your product image and its current price.
  • App promotion.
  • Remarketing – repeat play to audiences who engaged with your advert but didn’t become your customers the first time they saw you.
  • Call tracking – monitor your mobile growth, both offline and online.
  • Accessing other paid for media networks.

Our methodology

In looking to create a solid foundation for you upon which we can build, grow, and optimise campaigns from means we always start with strategy and goal setting. Additionally we then:

  • Research and identify audiences – we define and agree target audiences with clients prior to building any campaign.
  • Define user targeting – we formulate the best way to reach our previously identified target audiences.
  • Build campaign – we build a campaign which allows us control over spend, performance and reporting. Once built campaigns go-live.
  • Report and recommend – we report on performance throughout a campaign’s entire duration and this includes opportunities to adjust spend, targeting and more.

At Advocate our team of experts work hard to ensure that your paid display advertising campaign delivers results and growth. To check that we use third-party tracking on all display activity through publishers, the Google Display Network and programmatic (DSP) to accurately measure campaign impact against agreed key performance indicators.

Display is rarely the last touchpoint in a user’s path to conversion, but is does present some exciting possibilities. Get in contact with us today to find out more.

Today, nearly 80% Australians use social media and two thirds of them use social media every day or most days.* This makes social media platforms a vital component of every brands digital marketing strategy.

Social media platforms give advertisers a level of audience profile data that goes way beyond the simple levers of age, gender and location. And gives them the opportunity to target users based around known interests, behaviours and much more. This breadth, depth and variety of targeting options and ad formats makes paying to advertise on social media aka Paid Social a great fit for any stage of a brands inbound marketing journey.

From awareness-raising video ads on Facebook to direct email offers on LinkedIn, paid social is an extremely effective way to reach the most relevant audiences for any given business goal.

* Source: Sensis

Why your business needs Facebook advertising

There is no denying that Facebook is still king. The platforms ability to target users and the options available still easily out trumps the like of Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you are developing your paid social media strategy it should include Facebook.

However, achieving growth targets on this platform is getting harder which is why using a reliable Facebook advertising agency like Advocate can help you see greater results and higher engagement than attempting to go it alone.

Paid social at Advocate

Our focus is on delivering the right message, at the right time to your audience to achieve growth for your brand and foster a long-term relationship with your followers that supports your ongoing goals as your audiences like, comment and share your content. Our paid social media services include:

• Ad development content / creative
• Budget setting and management
• Ad placement and targeting
• Measurement, optimisation and reporting.

Despite Facebook’s strength, remember, social media options are much broader than Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and we have experience across the full spectrum – from Pinterest to Tik Tok.

Our methodology

Social media advertising appears simple on the surface but is a lot more complex in practice considering the various targeting, presentation and integration options. We have the expertise and experience to effectively manage these to deliver memorable and cost efficient campaigns.

The Advocate approach pays keen attention to:

• Advertising formats – the right format is crucial to effective audience engagement on social
• Audience development – serving ads to users with existing affinities be it by brand or product/service
• Funnel approach – tailoring messaging to suit social media users’ current purchasing intent.

To get the most from paid social, we’ll assess which networks, placements and audiences yield most value for any given campaign (and objectives), providing a bespoke plan designed to maximise return on your budget investment.

Beyond the campaign parameters, we ensure that all tools are being utilised. From conversion tracking and optimisation, to the creation and maintenance of advanced custom audiences – we strive to extract the most from every platform.

Choosing a reliable paid social media specialist like Advocate can help you see greater results in a shorter space of time than doing it in-house. Find out how we can maximise your return by contacting the team today.

The basic principle behind remarketing and retargeting is as simple as it sounds. It is driven by the idea that reconnecting with audiences who have already shown interest in your products or services makes it easier to convert them to your customers.

Returning success

Remarketing reconnects relevant customers to your site and allows effective segmentation to further your reach. A successful remarketing and retargeting campaign will typically target:

• Visitors who didn’t see a page you wanted them to
• Visitors who didn’t perform desired actions
• Visitors who reached a certain point of checkout and then left.

It often sees your conversion rates improve dramatically as you re-engage visitors with improved display re-marketing ads and email activities. Because remarketing targets an already relevant market, the return on investment of a retargeting campaign is significant.

Our methodology

Our paid media specialists work collaboratively with you to understand what actions you want a remarketing campaign to achieve. Your goals help us to identify which pages need a remarketing tag, which network we should focus on to reach the relevant audience, how to tailor relevant ads, and even whether custom pages should be adjusted or developed.

We then create a metric-based strategy that is best suited to achieve these aims. Every objective is based on facts and figures to ensure that each decision is informed – boosting efficiency, performance and quality. Your strategy will include options for you to be able to limit how and where your ad is seen, targeting the most profitable opportunities.

Contact us today to find out how our remarketing strategies can boost your growth.

Programmatic is the process of using algorithms to source and buy advertising space on websites. This approach looks to speed up the process of identifying where it’s best for you to advertise to reach your audiences. Programmatic advertising provides an efficient and effective method to better strategise, better optimise and better target your advertising, and consequently can make better use of your budget.

Why your business needs programmatic advertising

Traditional ads are driven by where the ads are seen, while programmatic is driven by who is seeing the advert.

This gives two main advantages:

• Adverts work in real time and react to the data instantaneously
• Your ad’s content is more tailored and relevant to its audiences

The longer your campaign runs, the more data the software has to increase its accuracy and efficiency. Additionally, programmatic advertising can bring the following benefits:

• Targeting – the ability to target your audience is exponentially increased
• Campaign strategy – greater data gives your strategy greater dynamism and agility
• Campaign management – deeper performance data means a campaign’s algorithms can be regularly refined

Taking a programmatic approach means you are improving the relevance of your advertising content to its audiences, and likely your conversion rate from ad viewers to customers as a consequence.

Why use Advocate

Our programmatic expertise means we can deliver real improvements in your ROI and brand growth. By targeting and analysing the metrics, we can refine and evolve your campaign to keep delivering while gaining valuable insights about your audience and your advertising’s performance.

Contact us today to find out more.

Client feedback

Don't just take our word for it!


With Fetch, we've saved hours and cut costs, enhancing our social media presence with personalised, engaging content.

Louise Harris - Head of Social & Content


Fetch revolutionised our social media strategy, boosting engagement with high-quality content, allowing us to focus on growth.

Adrian Land - CEO

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Brands we work with

From Tech to Automotive, whatever sector you operate in, the team at Advocate can help your brand grow.

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